Everyday I do a little bit more…

I spent today tinkering with my listings on my Etsy store.  This involves taking new photos, organizing the order of listings in my shop and updating my tags and titles to maximize SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  Every little bit I do helps in one way or another.

My views are up which is outstanding, even though I haven’t had any sales since September.  I’m optimistic though, as I know with time and with hard work, my store will be successful.  As far as I’m concerned, it only takes one sale to be a success.  That day will come soon.

I’ve recently discovered how to stitch multistep photos together with my iPhone.  This is super exciting as it gives me updated photo styles to use in my marketing on Etsy, Twitter and Facebook.  Plus it’s fun!

Have You Ever Thought About How Dirty Your Reusable Grocery Bag Is?

Grocery bags are one of the dirtiest objects to ever set foot in our homes.  This is especially true of the reusable variety commonly found at most markets.  This is because few people rarely, if ever, wash them.

Most of us would agree that disposable plastic bags are terrible for the environment.  We think we are doing a good thing by buying the inexpensive grocery store reusable bags and keeping them in the car for every trip to the store.  Most people do not wash them, but simply throw them away when they get too dirty (so much or reducing our landfills).  But have you ever tried to wash one of those reusable bags in the washing machine?  They tend to disintegrate within a couple of washings leading them to end up in the landfill anyway.

This week, I used two of my handmade cotton bags at the grocery store, and not only was complemented on how strong they were, but thanked profusely for actually washing them.  The stories the cashier told me about the things she’d seen come out of a customer’s bag made my skin crawl.  Think about all of the bacteria on and in your grocery bags as they come in contact with the shopping cart, meats, veggies, etc.  Not only are your exposing yourself and your newly purchases groceries to that bacteria, but the store employees who handle your bags are also being exposed.

The reusable bags that I make and sell on my Etsy store are a practical alternative.  Yes, they are more expensive then the store purchased alternative, but they can easily be washed and reused many times over their alternative.  This will eliminate the bacteria and keep them out of landfills.   Isn’t it worth it to keep your family healthier, as well as the families of the store employees who handle them?


There is Something Spooky Brewing at Josie’s Cottage

I’ve just listed two brand new tote bag styles.  This time I am inspired by Halloween and all the little ghouls and goblins who will soon be out trick or treating.  There is nothing better to complete a Halloween costume then a handmade, unique reusable tote bag.  These bags can be reused year after year and are completely washable.

Head on over to Josie’s Cottage on Etsy to see the new arrivals.

Happy Spooking!

End of Summer, Welcoming Fall

Fall is my favorite season.  The cool, crisp air.  The fresh apple pies made with apples you picked yourself.  The beautiful colors on the trees.   There is no better season than fall.

Plus, fall is good to me.  The weather is cooler and usually I feel much healthier as a result.  Except for now.  Dealing with a case of shingles, but I’m not letting it get me down, or slow down Josie’s Cottage.  I must forge ahead!

As such, Josie’s Cottage is celebrating the end of summer with a promotion!  You can save 15% on any item in the store now through September 22nd by using the code FALL2015 at checkout.  Let’s welcome Fall with open arms, and with a cute new market tote or set of coasters.  Josie’s Cottage is stocked with all sorts of good things and gift ideas.  Remember that the holidays are just around the corner!


New Handmade Tote Bags in Time for Halloween

I just posted two new bags to Etsy just in time for Halloween.  I love making these bags because they are both adorable and useful.  I’m itching to go back to Joann’s and pick up more Halloween and Fall fabrics.

These tote bags are on the smaller side.  Perfect for younger trick-or-treaters out there.  They would also make great gift bags for anyone who may have a Halloween or October birthday.  They could also be used for quick trips to the market when you only need to pick up one or two things as they easily fold up to fit in a purse or pocket.

Head on over to Josie’s Cottage on Etsy to check them out.

Happy Hauntings!
