Everyday I do a little bit more…

I spent today tinkering with my listings on my Etsy store.  This involves taking new photos, organizing the order of listings in my shop and updating my tags and titles to maximize SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  Every little bit I do helps in one way or another.

My views are up which is outstanding, even though I haven’t had any sales since September.  I’m optimistic though, as I know with time and with hard work, my store will be successful.  As far as I’m concerned, it only takes one sale to be a success.  That day will come soon.

I’ve recently discovered how to stitch multistep photos together with my iPhone.  This is super exciting as it gives me updated photo styles to use in my marketing on Etsy, Twitter and Facebook.  Plus it’s fun!

Creating New Things

I have a long term goal to create something new everyday.  There is no day better than today to start.  Today I created my website (with Brett’s expert help)!  I only broke it once.  I think I’m doing pretty well so far.

One of the best parts of starting Josie’s Cottage is that I have the freedom (and time) to just mess around with things.  Some days it’s writing, some days it’s Twitter and Facebook, some days it’s piles of fabric, and some days it’s piles of dirt in the garden.  On a good day, I’ve made something for my shop and made a delicious meal out of veggies from our garden.

I hope to keep this updated regularly with what I am working on.  I will try to keep photos of the cats to a minimum, but can’t promise to never talk about them.  Since my sewing room is Joey’s second favorite nap spot, sometimes he becomes an inadvertent Josie’s Cottage assistant.

This week I am working on Halloween tote bags.   I hope to have several posted to the Etsy later this week.  They are perfect for little ghouls and goblins trick-or-treating.

Happy Crafting!
